Sunday 29 August 2021

Most Important Facts About The Great Pyramid of Giza

The Great Pyramid of Giza Tomb in Egypt

The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest and largest of the pyramids in the Giza pyramid complex bordering present-day Giza in Greater Cairo, Egypt. It is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only one to remain largely intact.

Located in: Giza Necropolis
Address: Al Haram, Nazlet El-Samman, Al Giza Desert, Giza Governorate, Egypt
Height: 138 m
Materials: Limestone, Granite, Basalt, Mortar
Architectural style: Ancient Egyptian architecture
Function: Tomb, Monument
Burials: Khufu
UNESCO World Heritage Site inscription: 1979

Ten Facts on the Ancient Egyptian Pyramids

‘Beautiful sunrise in the faraway mountains, painting the wide horizon with vibrant warm colors, among the chill from the morning breeze.’ Luis Marques, author of Asetian bible

The Egyptian pyramids are ancient pyramid-shaped masonry structures. They are some of the most impressive man-made structures in history. Their huge scales reflect the importance that the king or pharaoh played in ancient Egyptian society. Approximately 118 or 138 Egyptian pyramids have been identified as of November 2008. In this article, we will explore ten unique facts on the spectacular Ancient Egyptian Pyramids 

The Great Sphinx of Giza is among the world’s largest sculptures

Located in Al Giza Desert, Giza Governorate, Egypt.

The Great Sphinx of Giza measures 240 feet long and 66 feet high. The sculpture features a lion’s body and a human head adorned with a royal headdress. A single piece of limestone was carved to create this wonderful sculpture. There is some leftover pigment residue suggesting that the Sphinx was painted.

The Ancient Egyptians aligned their pyramids with the stars!

The pyramids were built by the Ancient Egyptians who used two constellations to align their pyramids in the north-south direction. The pyramid's alignments with the stars are incredibly precise. The north-south positions are within an accuracy of up to 0.05 degrees. 

The Pyramid of Khafre 

The Pyramid of Khafre is the second-largest and second tallest of the three Ancient Egyptian pyramids of Giza. The structure is made of limestone blocks that weigh more than two tons each.

The statue of the Pharaoh Khafre was carved for the Pharaoh’s valley temple; the Pyramid of Khafre

Statues of Pharaohs were often placed inside Egyptian tombs located within the pyramids. They serve an important role as they are a resting place for the spirit of the Pharaoh after death. 

The Pyramids are designed to tell the time

The structure of the pyramids acts as an enormous sundial, with its shadow telling the hour by falling on marks made in stone. 

The Egyptian Pyramid construction is still a mystery!

A mystery lies in which construction techniques were used by the Ancient Egyptians to produce the wonderful pyramids. Over two million granite blocks and limestone were used to build the Great Pyramid of Giza!

Most of the Pyramids were built west of the River Nile 

The river Nile is a major north-flowing river in northeastern Africa. Historically the river Nile was considered the longest river in the world. Placed on the west of the river Nile, this ensured that the Pharaoh's souls could enter into the afterlife and begin their journey. The souls of the pharaohs were said to connect with the rising sun in the morning.